Stanley W. Woodward
American (1890-1970)
Marine artist Stanley Wingate Woodward (1890-1970) was born in Malden, Massachusetts and began studying painting at the Eric Pape School of Art in Boston and later continued his efforts at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, also in Boston, and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Throughout his career, Woodward exhibited extensively at national venues including the Corcoran Gallery, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the National Academy of Design, and frequently earned medals and prizes for his submissions. He maintained an involved and active membership in numerous artistsà clubs and societies, such as the Guild of Boston Artists and the American Watercolor Society, established the Woodward Outdoor Painting School, and published books on marine painting techniques. Currently, WoodwardÃs paintings are part of the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, among many other American museums and institutions.